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Legislative Council

27 October 2021
Constituency questions
Bev McArthur  (LIB)


Mrs McARTHUR (Western Victoria) (12:48): (1486) My question is for the Minister for Transport Infrastructure and concerns the Maroona–Portland rail freight line, which Victoria currently leases to the Australian Rail Track Corporation. The speed limit along the entire 170-kilometre line has recently been halved, from 80 kilometres an hour to 40 kilometres an hour—it is a bit like some of the roads, actually—as a result of the poor condition of the track. This doubles the journey time and even requires the use of a third locomotive and crew, as the reduced speed means the train has insufficient momentum for uphill gradients. Tonnes of Portland-bound freight are being diverted onto the roads, with consequent wear and tear, environmental damage and cost to business. It is not just grain; potential new markets for containerised wool and export mineral sands are being jeopardised. I appreciate this line is leased to ARTC. My question is: what is the Victorian government going to do to ensure this vital infrastructure functions to support the economy of the south-west?