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Legislative Council

12 October 2021
Constituency questions
Bev McArthur  (LIB)


Mrs McARTHUR (Western Victoria) (15:56): (1435) My question is for the minister for police and emergency services. For well over 100 years our national flag has been flown proudly at the historic CFA building in Barkly Street, Ballarat. I was there this morning at this beautiful site, yet it seems a request from local volunteers to help fix the flagpole has gone unheeded. An elevated platform unit is needed to get the job done, yet the now FRV station on Sturt Street, the professional operation, and the district’s assistant chief officer will not help their colleagues in the volunteer station. So I ask the minister: what will you do to ensure that this fantastic CFA brigade can once again proudly fly the flag on their historic station?