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Text:  wendy lovell
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Legislative Council

Wendy Lovell  (LIB)

... Wendy LOVELL (Northern Victoria) presented a petition bearing 74 signatures: The Petition of certain citizens of the ... Wendy LOVELL: I move: That the petition be taken into consideration on the next day of meeting....


Legislative Council

Inquiry into the 2022 Flood Event in Victoria
Wendy Lovell  (LIB)

... Wendy LOVELL (Northern Victoria) (09:59): As a member of the committee it is a pleasure to speak to this interim report. I would like to thank all locals who contributed as witnesses or ...


Legislative Council

Members statements
Wendy Lovell  (LIB)

... Wendy LOVELL (Northern Victoria) (10:18): It is my great pleasure to welcome all members and staff of the Parliament of Victoria to Echuca and my electorate of Northern Victoria Region today. This sitting ...


Legislative Council

Wendy Lovell  (LIB)

... Wendy LOVELL (Northern Victoria) (11:09): I rise to join in this motion that acknowledges the devastating impact that the October 2022 flood event had on communities in Victoria. In commencing my contribution I ...


Legislative Council

Questions without notice and ministers statements
Wendy Lovell  (LIB)

... Wendy LOVELL (Northern Victoria) (12:04): (491) My question is to the Minister for Children and Minister for Disability. Minister, Echuca-based Community Living & Respite Services provide residential services to ...


Legislative Council

Questions without notice and ministers statements
Lizzie Blandthorn  (ALP)

...Lizzie BLANDTHORN (Western Metropolitan – Minister for Children, Minister for Disability) (12:05): I thank Ms Lovell for her question and for her commitment to and passion for people with disabilities, which is something I am very pleased to discuss with her ...the contributions on the motion this morning and certainly in many of the contributions indeed in this very question time – Wendy Lovell interjected. Lizzie BLANDTHORN: Ms Lovell, would you like to hear the answer to the question? ...


Legislative Council

Questions without notice and ministers statements
Wendy Lovell  (LIB)

... Wendy LOVELL (Northern Victoria) (12:08): Minister, six of those people were entrusted to your care, and neither the government nor the department even bothered to inquire, let alone provide any assistance....


Legislative Council

Constituency questions
Wendy Lovell  (LIB)

... Wendy LOVELL (Northern Victoria) (12:31): (794) My question is for the Minister for Small Business. Minister, how many small businesses have been sent flood grant audit letters? How much ...


Legislative Council

Second reading
Evan Mulholland  (LIB)

... A couple of weeks ago I was with my colleague Wendy Lovell up in Wodonga hearing firsthand about the impact of this government’s land tax, which is forcing people to sell up and go and invest in Albury instead, because of this government’s addiction to taxes. It is great to be here in Echuca, in the electorate of Peter Walsh. The bill does amend the Road Safety Act, and certainly when it comes ...


Legislative Council

Melina Bath  (NAT)

... I think Wendy Lovell also spoke about betterment – that just returning it back to what it was is not good enough. I am sure there will be recommendations post that. We heard from the Gannawarra council, and their CEO spoke about having $8 million in certified road repair projects that were signed off by the department last October, 12 months after the floods. They went out to contract in December, and only ...