Hansard debates

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Legislative Assembly

Members statements
Natalie Suleyman  (ALP)

... Natalie SULEYMAN (St Albans – Minister for Veterans, Minister for Small Business, Minister for Youth) (11:32): I rise today to pay tribute to Ciro Lombardi, a lifelong St Albans local turning 90 ‍years old. Born in Italy in 1934, Ciro migrated to Australia with nothing more than a suitcase at ...


Legislative Assembly

Members statements
Natalie Suleyman  (ALP)

... Natalie SULEYMAN (St Albans – Minister for Veterans, Minister for Small Business, Minister for Youth) (11:33): On another matter, I would like to thank my electorate office, my ministerial staff and of course all parliamentary staff as well. ...


Legislative Assembly

Second reading
Natalie Suleyman  (ALP)

... Natalie SULEYMAN (St Albans – Minister for Veterans, Minister for Small Business, Minister for Youth) (15:11): I move: That the debate be now adjourned. ...


Legislative Assembly

Business of the house
Natalie Suleyman  (ALP)

... Natalie SULEYMAN (St Albans – Minister for Veterans, Minister for Small Business, Minister for Youth) (11:07): I advise that the government does not wish to proceed with government business, notices of motion 1 to 5 inclusive, and ask that they remain on the notice paper, and I move: ...


Legislative Assembly

Members statements
Natalie Suleyman  (ALP)

... Natalie SULEYMAN (St Albans – Minister for Veterans, Minister for Small Business, Minister for Youth) (09:54): Every year on 11 November we pause to honour and remember the brave Australians who have served in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations around the globe. As we commemorate Remembrance Day it is so ...


Legislative Assembly

Business of the house
Natalie Suleyman  (ALP)

... Natalie SULEYMAN (St Albans – Minister for Veterans, Minister for Small Business, Minister for Youth) (10:16): I advise that the government does not wish to proceed with notices of motion, government business, today and ask that they remain on the notice paper. ...


Legislative Assembly

Statement of compatibility
Natalie Suleyman  (ALP)

... Natalie SULEYMAN (St Albans – Minister for Veterans, Minister for Small Business, Minister for Youth) (10:17): In accordance with the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006, I table a statement of compatibility in relation to the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Amendment (Paramedic Practitioners) Bill 2024:...


Legislative Assembly

Second reading
Natalie Suleyman  (ALP)

... Natalie SULEYMAN (St Albans – Minister for Veterans, Minister for Small Business, Minister for Youth) (10:18): I move: That this bill be now read a second time. I ask that my second-reading speech be incorporated into Hansard. Incorporated speech as follows: Introduction Victoria will be the first state ...


Legislative Assembly

Questions without notice and ministers statements
Natalie Suleyman  (ALP)

... Natalie SULEYMAN (St Albans – Minister for Veterans, Minister for Small Business, Minister for Youth) (14:22): I rise today to update the house on how the Veterans Card Victoria is helping veterans with the cost of living. This week thousands of Victorians gathered at Remembrance Day services across the state to ...


Legislative Assembly

Report 2023–24
Natalie Suleyman  (ALP)

... Natalie SULEYMAN (St Albans – Minister for Veterans, Minister for Small Business, Minister for Youth) (09:36): I table, by leave, the Victorian Veterans Council report 2023–24. ...