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30 May 2013
Statement of Compatibility
ENERGY LEGISLATION AMENDMENT (FEED-IN TARIFFS AND OTHER MATTERS) BILL 2013 Received from Assembly. Read first time for Hon. P. R. HALL (Minister for Higher Education and Skills) on motion of Hon. G. K. Rich-Phillips; by leave, ordered to be read second time forthwith.
Introduction and first reading For Hon. P. R. HALL (Minister for Higher Education and Skills), Hon. G. K. Rich-Phillips tabled following statement in accordance with Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006: In accordance with section 28 of the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (charter act), I make this statement of compatibility with respect to the Energy Legislation Amendment (Feed-in Tariffs and Other Matters) Bill 2013. In my opinion, the Energy Legislation Amendment (Feed-in Tariffs and Other Matters) Bill 2013, as introduced to the Legislative Council, is compatible with the human rights protected by the charter act. I base my opinion on the reasons outlined in this statement. Overview of bill The main purposes of this bill are to: amend the Electricity Industry Act 2000 in relation to general renewable energy feed-in terms and conditions; widen the scope of an existing offence relating to the installation of electrical equipment and to create a new offence relating to the carrying out of electrical equipment work under the Electricity Safety Act 1998; create a new offence prohibiting building work at a premises that a person knows or should reasonably be expected to know will make a gas installation at the premises unsafe under the Gas Safety Act 1997; amend the Energy Safe Victoria Act 2005 to allow Energy Safe Victoria to provide information it holds to the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) for the purposes of its functions and powers; and amend the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target Act 2007 so that retailers that supply a small number of large customers are no longer exempt from energy efficiency targets. Human rights issues Right to privacy Section 13 of the charter act provides that a person has the right not to have his or her privacy unlawfully or arbitrarily interfered with. An interference with privacy will not be unlawful if it is permitted by a law that is accessible and precise. An interference with privacy will not be arbitrary if the restrictions it imposes are reasonable, just and proportionate to the end sought. Clause 13 inserts a new section 7A in the Energy Safe Victoria Act 2005. New section 7A authorises Energy Safe Victoria to provide the AER with information (including information given in confidence) in its possession or control that is reasonably required by the AER to perform a function or duty or exercise a power under the National Electricity (Victoria) Law or the National Gas (Victoria) Law. The AER has a duty to make distribution determinations for distribution network service providers pursuant to rules 6.2.4 and 6.11.1 of the National Electricity Rules. The main purpose of new section 7A is to facilitate the AER in making distribution determinations for Victorian distribution network service providers by permitting the AER to obtain relevant information from Energy Safe Victoria which may affect the distribution determination process. The provision of information by Energy Safe Victoria to the AER may in certain circumstances incidentally contain personal information about customers and other persons. To the extent that new section 7A may engage the right to privacy by permitting the sharing of information, this will only be where it is reasonably required to enable the AER to carry out its functions, duties and powers under Victorian law. One of the main functions of the AER is the economic regulation of electricity distribution services provided by distribution network service providers. It is important that distribution determinations made by the AER are based on full and accurate information. In any event, the provision of information by Energy Safe Victoria pursuant to section 7A
Statement of compatibility