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Legislative Assembly

12 March 2014
Second Reading


 Minister for Police and Emergency Services

Second reading

Mr WELLS (Minister for Police and Emergency Services) -- I move: That this bill be now read a second time. Speech as follows incorporated into Hansard in accordance with resolution of house: The Victoria Police Act 2013 was passed by Parliament in December 2013. That act is a new principal act for the administration and governance of Victoria Police and it will largely replace the Police Regulation Act 1958. The primary purpose of the Victoria Police Amendment (Consequential and Other Matters) Bill 2014 is to give effect to the change in language introduced by the Victoria Police Act 2013 in relation to Victoria Police and police officers, and to update references to the Police Regulation Act 1958 that will be repealed by the Victoria Police Act 2013. The bill makes the following consequential amendments to more than 180 Victorian acts:
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it replaces references to the force with the term 'Victoria Police'; it replaces references to member of the force with the term 'police officer'; it replaces references to member of police personnel with the term 'member of Victoria Police personnel'; and where an act refers to a section within the Police Regulation Act 1958, the bill updates that reference to refer to the new equivalent section within the Victoria Police Act 2013. These consequential changes will ensure that references to Victoria Police, police officers and Victoria Police personnel are used consistently across the statute book and with proper reference to the definitions contained in the Victoria Police Act 2013. The bill also makes consequential amendments to ensure that, upon the commencement of the Victoria Police Act 2013, deputy commissioners can continue to exercise the powers of the chief commissioner under certain legislative schemes, as currently provided for in those acts. The bill also makes some amendments to the Victoria Police Act 2013. First, the bill amends the Victoria Police Act 2013 to provide that the Police Services and Registration Board (PRS board) is required to publish statements of reasons for certain decisions relating to reviews and registration, subject to appropriate safeguards. The PRS board will have the discretion to exclude information from publication when it considers that it is in the public interest to do so. These amendments will promote the principles of open justice and the free communication of information. Secondly, the bill makes a minor amendment to the Victoria Police Act 2013 to clarify the authority to make regulations in relation to appeals and reviews by inserting an express power in schedule 5 of that act. Thirdly, the bill amends the Victoria Police Act 2013 to provide transitional provisions relating to references to protective services officers, police recruits, special constables and Victoria Police employees (public servants employed by the chief commissioner). These amendments will ensure that references to these roles in other legislation or subordinate instruments will be construed as references to these roles within the meaning of this Victoria Police Act 2013. The Victoria Police Act 2013 is an important piece of legislation, representing a significant milestone in the history of Victoria Police. This bill provides the necessary consequential amendments for that act to operate effectively. I commend the bill to the house. Debate adjourned on motion of Ms KAIROUZ (Kororoit). Debate adjourned until Wednesday, 26 March.