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Legislative Council

19 August 2022
Bev McArthur  (LIB)


Mrs McARTHUR (Western Victoria) (10:35): I am pleased that Mr Hayes and Mr Meddick are supporting the motion. That is fantastic. We will look forward to getting their preferences on this matter in the forthcoming election.

I just want to remind the entire house that this is an incredibly barbaric operation. It is totally unnecessary. We do not need to eradicate a population of animals in this most cruel and unseemly way. It is only creating more problems in a forest, as Mr Hayes said, where animal carcasses are left for wild animals to feed on. That encourages more feral animals like dogs, cats and foxes. These animals were managed very well in the past, and they can be managed very well in the future. I urge everybody in this house to support this motion.

House divided on motion:

Ayes, 14
Bath, MsDavis, MrMcArthur, Mrs
Bourman, MrHayes, MrMeddick, Mr
Burnett-Wake, MsLimbrick, MrQuilty, Mr
Crozier, MsLovell, MsRich-Phillips, Mr
Cumming, DrMaxwell, Ms
Noes, 13
Elasmar, MrMcIntosh, MrSymes, Ms
Erdogan, MrMelhem, MrTarlamis, Mr
Gepp, MrShing, MsTaylor, Ms
Kieu, DrStitt, MsTerpstra, Ms
Leane, Mr
Ayes, 14
Bath, MsDavis, MrMcArthur, Mrs
Bourman, MrHayes, MrMeddick, Mr
Burnett-Wake, MsLimbrick, MrQuilty, Mr
Crozier, MsLovell, MsRich-Phillips, Mr
Cumming, DrMaxwell, Ms
Noes, 13
Elasmar, MrMcIntosh, MrSymes, Ms
Erdogan, MrMelhem, MrTarlamis, Mr
Gepp, MrShing, MsTaylor, Ms
Kieu, DrStitt, MsTerpstra, Ms
Leane, Mr