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Legislative Council

07 June 2022
Members statements
Bernie Finn  (Democratic Labour Party)


Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan) (12:52): It is with enormous pride that I rise in this house for the first time representing the Democratic Labour Party. The DLP has a long and proud history of serving the people of Victoria, and it is my intention to uphold that tradition and indeed expand it. According to the Supreme Court of Victoria the DLP is really and legally the real labour party. The DLP in itself is a conservative labour party totally committed to working in the best interests of workers, small businesses, family farms and indeed families themselves. In my new role I will be adamant in my support for freedom for all, including those who cannot speak for themselves.

The Andrews government must return to Victorians all rights and freedoms that it has removed from the people of this state immediately, beginning with the total abolition of all mandates. The impending energy crisis is man-made. The government should immediately allow exploration for further gas supply and the use of existing coal supplies to ease the financial pain felt by families right across this state. I will continue to speak up for the people of Melbourne’s west and fight for the fair go that they have long been denied by both ALP and Liberal governments. I will be telling them the DLP is on their side. Going on the reaction I have received in recent days, they already know it and are more than happy to embrace what the DLP has to offer.