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30 October 2020
Constituency questions
Bev McArthur (LIB)
Mrs McARTHUR (Western Victoria) (12:48): My constituency question is for the Minister for Roads and concerns the irresponsibility of whoever thinks that it is a good idea for roadsides to be places of biodiversity, wildlife corridors and conservation zones instead of safe places. The St Patricks Day fires in my Western Victoria electorate in 2018 destroyed 40 000 hectares, 25 houses, innumerable farm sheds and livestock. Roadside vegetation provided the wick for this fire spread. We appear to have learned nothing, because the roadside vegetation is now even more rampant thanks to the fabulous wet season and the burnt debris left by the fire on roadsides, notably on the Princes Highway near Garvoc. It is another bushfire waiting to happen. It would be entirely irresponsible to do nothing, so I ask the minister: what specific and measurable action is he personally taking to ensure this vegetation is removed and state roads are made safe before the fire season is upon us?