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Chemical fire, Yarraville
28 April 1994
Chemical fire, Yarraville Ms KIRNER (Williamstown) -- In the absence of the Minister for Industry Services I direct to the attention of the Minister for Industry and Employment the chemical fire which occurred early yesterday morning at Exopest Australia Pty Ltd in Whitehall Road, Yarraville, in my electorate and which required full emergency service attendance. The firemen had difficulty finding the manifest; there was supposed to be a manifest on the container and another away from the container. The manifest on the container was obviously a bit messy and could not be read and the firemen had difficulty finding the manifest stored away from the container, so they put water on the fire. Subsequently fumes were emitted and seven firemen were affected.The firemen then had to bring in sand to bury the fire. I raise this matter because I drive along Whitehall Street regularly, travelling to and from work, and often see a new group of small operators setting up storage or transport businesses in the area. By and large, it is true that large transport companies are careful about safety matters, but I am not at all convinced that the same can be said of some of the small moveable-feast-type operators. I have often wondered what was behind the walls of Exopest Australia Pty Ltd, the old Gas and Fuel Corporation walls. The firemen found that difficult to find out; they were wondering too. I seek an assurance on behalf of my constituents who live opposite Coode Island that there will be a thorough investigation under both the Minister for Industry Services and the Minister for Police and Emergency Services; they are both involved. Also I would like to see a thorough check of the area within and including Whitehall Street and Dynon Road. No member would want to see a repeat of the Butler chemical fire. It appears there might well be a slight build-up of less than careful procedures in the area with the changes of ownership that have taken place. I ask the Minister for Industry and Employment, who is at the table, to bring this matter to the attention of the two appropriate ministers and assure my constituency that their best safety interests will be protected.