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Legislative Assembly

24 November 2020
Second reading
Jacinta Allan  (ALP)


Ms ALLAN (Bendigo East—Leader of the House, Minister for Transport Infrastructure, Minister for the Suburban Rail Loop) (13:40): I move:

That this bill now be read a second time.

I ask that my second-reading speech be incorporated into Hansard.

Incorporated speech as follows:

The Appropriation (Parliament 2020–2021) Bill 2020 provides appropriation authority for payments from the Consolidated Fund to the Parliament in respect of the 2020–21 financial year, including ongoing liabilities incurred by the Parliament such as employee entitlements that may be realised in the future.

Honourable Members will be aware that other funds are appropriated for parliamentary purposes by way of special appropriations contained in other legislation.

In line with the wishes of the Presiding Officers, appropriations in the Appropriation (Parliament) (2020–2021) Bill 2020 are made to the departments of the Parliament. This includes provision for three integrity agencies which were funded through the Department of Premier and Cabinet in 2019–20, but which from 1 July 2020 come within the financial responsibilities of the Parliament (as was recorded in the Appropriation (Parliament) (Interim) Act 2020) , namely: the Victorian Ombudsman; the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission; and the Victorian Inspectorate.

The total appropriation authority sought in this Appropriation (Parliament) (2020–2021) Bill 2020 is $250 697 000 (clause 3) for Parliament in respect of the 2020–21 financial year.

I commend the Bill to the House.