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Legislative Council

23 April 2020
David Limbrick  (LD)


Mr LIMBRICK (South Eastern Metropolitan) (23:19): My adjournment debate matter is for the attention of the Minister for Police and Emergency Services. You would be aware of some of the controversies in the media about fines being issued to people for things like skating in a skate park or taking driving lessons and a couple that were issued fines for posting old holiday photos to Facebook. There have been many other reports submitted to the covidpolicing.org.au website by people reporting their interactions with police during the lockdown.

On 13 April Deputy Police Commissioner Shane Patton recognised that there were problems for police interpreting the health orders when he told the ABC:

I am concerned that there continues to be an inconsistent approach from our members when enforcing the directives of the Chief Health Officer.

The lack of consideration for public interest is significantly impacting on how the community view Victoria Police.

I understand that a system has been now set up within Victoria Police to review any fines daily, and I welcome this move. In line with other states, my request for the minister is for them to publicly release data on these fines. I ask the minister to provide geographic data on where fines were issued, how many fines were issued to minors, how many fines were for breaches of quarantine or self-isolation orders and, lastly, how many fines were for breaches of the public health orders issued by the chief medical officer.