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Legislative Council

18 March 2020
Constituency questions
Bev McArthur  (LIB)


Mrs McARTHUR (Western Victoria) (12:46): My question is for the Minister for Agriculture and relates to the shameful treatment of the volunteers who gave their time and effort to bushfire-affected areas. Victoria’s subsidy for the scheme has ended, in contrast with the approach of the New South Wales government, and volunteers have been told that funding is limited and is allocated on a first-in, first-out basis until funds are exhausted. Most concerningly, some claims have not been paid more than two months after submission, and volunteer groups like the Timboon Lions Club and the Heyfield Lions Club are owed hundreds of thousands of dollars. In some cases volunteers were put off making further deliveries of hay by the delay in the reimbursement. We should be thanking these volunteers, not penalising them. I ask the minister: when will all moneys due under the transport fodder scheme be paid out to those owed?