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Legislative Council

18 February 2020
Constituency questions
Bev McArthur  (LIB)


Mrs McARTHUR (Western Victoria) (12:45): My constituency question is for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services. The tragic fire season has demonstrated the urgent need to upgrade and construct new fire stations across rural Victoria so that communities are optimally equipped to respond to the threat of bushfire. In 2018–19 Hindmarsh shire made a contribution of $876 000 to the state government’s fire services levy. The large urban CFA brigade in Dimboola is accommodated in a small, cramped and outdated facility. As a town designated with extreme fire risk as well as a history of incidents, it desperately requires a new fire station. The CFA has purchased a site for a new Dimboola fire station and now it just requires funding from the state government and priority in the CFA budget. I ask the minister: given their large contribution to the fire services levy and vulnerability to bushfire, will she ensure that a new fire station for Dimboola is funded by the state government?