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Legislative Council

13 October 2020
Constituency questions
Bev McArthur  (LIB)


Mrs McARTHUR (Western Victoria) (12:20): My question is for the Premier. Past Melton there is just one active coronavirus case left in Western Victoria. It is a disgrace that this government refuses to further ease restrictions because the chief health officer insists that we all move together. Nevertheless, it was encouraging to see the hospitality industry allowed to reopen indoors in regional Victoria, albeit in a very limited capacity. It is completely unjust, however, that churches are precluded from reopening for religious ceremonies while pubs are allowed to serve patrons indoors. Like pubs, cafes and restaurants, churches can also implement COVID-safe plans and socially distance parishioners. My question to the Premier is: when will you allow religious ceremonies to be conducted indoors in my electorate and the rest of regional Victoria?