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Legislative Council

03 June 2020
Constituency questions
Bev McArthur  (LIB)


Mrs McARTHUR (Western Victoria) (14:04): My constituency question is for the Minister for Health. In my Western Victoria electorate we have been extremely compliant under the coronavirus lock-up. Just like those inside the tram tracks, we in the country sneeze into our elbows, wash our hands, use sanitiser, download the COVIDSafe app and reluctantly remain under house arrest to flatten the curve and to ensure our hospitals are not overwhelmed by the thousands of predicted COVID cases. Due to all this and only having 44 cases from the Surf Coast to the South Australian border, there are no active cases at the moment. So we have got low population density and no tram tracks, which means that my constituents naturally socially distance.

Minister, my question is: has the government considered relaxing restrictions by rural local government area, and within a local government area, earlier than the rest of the state so our country businesses can be saved and we can all get on with living?