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Legislative Council

12 November 2020
Shaun Leane  (ALP)


Mr LEANE (Eastern Metropolitan—Minister for Local Government, Minister for Suburban Development, Minister for Veterans) (17:28): I move:

That the report be now adopted.

House divided on motion:

Ayes, 34
Bach, DrKieu, DrRatnam, Dr
Barton, MrLeane, MrRich-Phillips, Mr
Bath, MsLimbrick, MrShing, Ms
Bourman, MrLovell, MsStitt, Ms
Crozier, MsMaxwell, MsSymes, Ms
Davis, MrMcArthur, MrsTarlamis, Mr
Elasmar, MrMelhem, MrTaylor, Ms
Erdogan, MrO’Donohue, MrTerpstra, Ms
Finn, MrOndarchie, MrTierney, Ms
Gepp, MrPulford, MsVaghela, Ms
Grimley, MrQuilty, MrWatt, Ms
Hayes, Mr
Noes, 1
Cumming, Dr
Ayes, 34
Bach, DrKieu, DrRatnam, Dr
Barton, MrLeane, MrRich-Phillips, Mr
Bath, MsLimbrick, MrShing, Ms
Bourman, MrLovell, MsStitt, Ms
Crozier, MsMaxwell, MsSymes, Ms
Davis, MrMcArthur, MrsTarlamis, Mr
Elasmar, MrMelhem, MrTaylor, Ms
Erdogan, MrO’Donohue, MrTerpstra, Ms
Finn, MrOndarchie, MrTierney, Ms
Gepp, MrPulford, MsVaghela, Ms
Grimley, MrQuilty, MrWatt, Ms
Hayes, Mr
Noes, 1
Cumming, Dr
Ayes, 34
Bach, DrKieu, DrRatnam, Dr
Barton, MrLeane, MrRich-Phillips, Mr
Bath, MsLimbrick, MrShing, Ms
Bourman, MrLovell, MsStitt, Ms
Crozier, MsMaxwell, MsSymes, Ms
Davis, MrMcArthur, MrsTarlamis, Mr
Elasmar, MrMelhem, MrTaylor, Ms
Erdogan, MrO’Donohue, MrTerpstra, Ms
Finn, MrOndarchie, MrTierney, Ms
Gepp, MrPulford, MsVaghela, Ms
Grimley, MrQuilty, MrWatt, Ms
Hayes, Mr
Noes, 1
Cumming, Dr