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Legislative Council

03 June 2020
Members statements
Bev McArthur  (LIB)


Mrs McARTHUR (Western Victoria) (09:45): All lives matter. Brumby lives matter too. So why is it that a protest critical of the government was yesterday restricted to 20 brumby supporters, socially distanced of course, on the steps of Parliament House, while the Minister for Police and Emergency Services has declared no fines will be issued to protesters who plan a Black Lives Matter protest in this city on Saturday? This Andrews operation, drunk with power and cloaked in corona secrecy, wants to fine protesters if they do not like their cause, but if it suits their politically correct agenda thousands can gather while the rest of us are told to stay home and dob in our bosses if they dare to ask us to attend our regular workplace. If Victoria Police are not out fining and enforcing social distancing in Saturday’s protest, how can Victorians ever trust this government again? While Victoria remains locked up more than anywhere else in this country, a protest with 29 000 people having flagged their interest in attending will be allowed to go ahead because this government ideologically agrees with it. If lives matter, Mr Andrews and Ms Neville, not just those of people who might be your friends, all lives matter.