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Legislative Council

01 September 2020
Members statements
Bev McArthur  (LIB)


Mrs McARTHUR (Western Victoria) (10:03): I rise today to extend my gratitude to Steve Bloxham, president of the Terang RSL, on behalf of his local community and many other western Victorians who no doubt appreciate his tireless efforts to support veterans and recognise the sacrifices of our fallen servicemen. Steve has done a fantastic job engaging with everyone in the RSL community and beyond through social media at this time of lock-up when meetings in person are banned. Steve has also overseen the significant development of the Terang RSL area from what was just little more than an old tin shed to what is now a community centre with copious memorabilia, an extensive museum, landscaped outdoor gardens and even a restored tram. In 2017 Steve was appropriately awarded the Shrine of Remembrance Medal after being nominated by the member for Polwarth, Richard Riordan, for the large support network and community outreach that he facilitated. Thank you, Steve, for everything you do to keep our veterans remembered with respect and honour, along with your continual care and advocacy for those struggling in this time of isolation.