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Legislative Assembly

04 March 2021
Constituency questions
Tim Read  (GRN)


Dr READ (Brunswick) (11:52): (5715) My constituency question for the Minister for Creative Industries is: will the government provide ongoing financial support for Brunswick’s artists and creatives to ensure that they can thrive within my constituency? With the Sydney Road festival postponed and the Brunswick Music Festival reworked for social distancing, we are clearly not out of the woods yet. Live music is a big part of Brunswick’s identity and we are excited to finally get a taste of it again, starting tomorrow at the Brunswick Music Festival, but so many of our valued artists and musicians have been struggling during this pandemic. Brunswick has one of the best pub music scenes in the world and, dare I say, more people are involved in the creative arts here than anywhere else in the country. To protect Brunswick’s creative culture long into the future the government needs to support the people who work within it as we build back from the pandemic.