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Legislative Assembly
Morwell electorate

03 May 2016
Constituency questions


Mr NORTHE (Morwell) — (Question 7523) My constituency question is to the Minister for Public Transport. My question is: what is the latest information with regard to the government's proposed sky rail project and the subsequent impact this will have upon Australian Paper (AP) and its transport of freight in both the construction and completion stage?

Australian Paper is one of our largest regional employers based within the Morwell electorate and is Australia's leading manufacturer of paper products. It exports to approximately 75 countries. The transport of its products to port via rail is an important element of its business, and many constituents have asked me what impact sky rail will have on AP's freight transport operations. These freight trains are enormous in terms of their length and weight, and local concerns have been expressed about how these trains will interact with sky rail.

Quite rightly, questions are being asked on what the state government is doing to support the company, given there will be massive upheaval and disruption with respect to sky rail. I therefore ask the minister for this latest information, as it is critically important to Australian Paper and its employees.