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Legislative Assembly
Shepparton Club

25 February 2016
Members statements


Ms SHEED — On a lighter note, the Shepparton Club's initiative, particularly that of its treasurer, Vin Truscott, to establish a wall of fame in the venue to honour the district's outstanding achievers will be a long-lasting legacy for the community. On Sunday I met some of the inductees. Those inductees were: Max Carlos, Christine Dobson, Louise Dobson, Don Fairless, Steve Fairless, Glenn James, Brett Lancaster, Sir John McDonald, Shaun O'Brien, Bruce Quick and John Thorsen. While there was definitely a sporting bent, the wall will carry the names, photographs and highlights of many people from the Shepparton area who have helped to put the city on the map through their outstanding achievements. The inspiration and example of many of those mentioned lives on in the community on the hockey field, the football field and far beyond.