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Legislative Assembly
Battle of Long Tan commemoration

25 February 2016
Members statements


Ms SHEED (Shepparton) — It was a weekend for heroes in Shepparton, some unsung and lost, and others now decorating a wall of the local Shepparton Club. A large crowd gathered at the Shepparton Public Cemetery on Sunday to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan and remember those who lost their lives in the Vietnam War. Two simultaneous ceremonies were held at the graves of Vietnam War soldiers Lance-Corporal Ronald Edward Coxon and Private Stuart John Barnett, who both died in battle. Mr Barnett's wife, Irene Smith, attended the ceremony with her family. It was a poignant moment to learn that they were married only eight weeks before he lost his life while serving the country. Mr Coxon's vigil was attended by mates from his battalion. I commend the Goulburn Valley Vietnam Veterans Association for organising this important commemoration.