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Legislative Assembly
Numurkah community

24 June 2015
Members statements


Ms SHEED (Shepparton) — I rise to acknowledge the fantastic achievements of the Numurkah community. Last week the Minister for Health visited my electorate to officially open the new Numurkah District Health Service and neighbouring Numurkah ambulance branch in front of more than 100 local residents. The new facility replaces the flood-damaged old hospital, deemed unstable after the 2012 inundation. The Numurkah community raised more than $200 000 to help with the rebuild, a huge achievement for a small town, and I would like to congratulate them. I would also like to congratulate the chief executive officer, Jacque Phillips, for her strong leadership. Jacque led the emergency and recovery process and advocated strongly for the rebuilding of the hospital. Her strong leadership was recognised earlier this year when she was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia.

Another Numurkah woman, Sue Aldridge, was also recently awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia for her service to the community. Ms Aldridge's involvement with the region began with Numurkah and District Pony Club, which she helped to found in 1964. She has been an active community representative and also served on the local council and with the Numurkah Agricultural and Pastoral Society. These women exemplify the powerful community spirit of Numurkah, and I congratulate them both.