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Legislative Assembly
Shepparton electorate

24 May 2016
Constituency questions


Ms SHEED (Shepparton) — (Question 7561) My constituency question is for the Attorney-General. I was recently contacted by a constituent in my electorate who advised that it is over 18 months since her family member died and the inquest has still not been held by the Coroners Court. She understands that the inquest will be held in Melbourne. This mother wants answers, and she wants closure. Inquests are no longer listed in Shepparton, and indeed, save for the finalisation of a few old cases, they are listed in Melbourne. Deceased persons from our community are taken to Melbourne for autopsy and post-mortem, and our local community is concerned that this centralisation process causes delay and makes it difficult for families to obtain the information they want. Centralisation means that local input is no longer available. Will the Attorney-General advise whether it is proposed that the Coroners Court functions will be returned to the Shepparton district when the new Shepparton courthouse opens?