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Legislative Assembly
Shepparton electorate

23 March 2016
Constituency questions


Ms SHEED (Shepparton) — (Question 7022) My constituency question is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and it concerns a road safety issue. The small town of Wunghnu, on the Goulburn Valley Highway north of Shepparton, has generated a thick file of notes in my office on one subject: the state of the road outside the Wunghnu store. Last year Public Transport Victoria (PTV) solved half the problem when it repaired kerbing and shifted the bus stop that was near the store, leaving approximately 3 metres of broken kerbing and potholes untouched nearby. Clearly this area was not regarded by PTV as its responsibility.

The complaint file continued to grow. Last week I stopped outside the store to view the situation. The area is in a poor state of repair and is a risk, particularly to elderly constituents. Moira Shire Council has advised that it is a VicRoads matter. I ask: can the Minister for Roads and Road Safety find out who is actually responsible for the repairs and ensure that it is done?