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Legislative Assembly

28 February 2008


Debate resumed from 27 February.

  Ms  NEVILLE (Minister for Mental Health) -- I was speaking last  night  before
the adjournment about  the priorities that  are  outlined in the  Premier's very
ambitious forward agenda. I  spoke about how these  priorities will continue  to
deliver for all  Victorians,  especially vulnerable Victorians, right across the
board. I spoke about the way the government has  delivered in  my own electorate
of  Bellarine and  said that  the agenda  we have outlined  in the  statement of
government intentions will  help continue to  deliver for the  communities  like
Bellarine.  I also spoke a bit  about the importance of  this  agenda and how it
will continue  to contribute to  building  stronger families and  communities in
Victoria, a really key priority that the  Premier  outlined when he delivered to
the Parliament the government's statement of intentions.

Some of the strategies outlined in the statement will continue to deliver in the
areas of education and early childhood development and in creating a much fairer
Victoria. We will be doing this through things such as new laws to tackle public
drunkenness and violence. As I said last night, we have made substantial inroads
into this area,  but we have highlighted  the need to continue the  work. We are
also amending legislation to reflect our strong commitment to give every child a
great start in life. The government is committed to increasing the opportunities
for those who are disadvantaged,  and it  will do  whatever it  takes to  tackle
these serious social issues and to find solutions.
I am proud to support the government's statement of intentions.