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Legislative Assembly

19 May 2005
Second Reading


                           ENERGY SAFE VICTORIA BILL
                                 Second reading

  Mr BRUMBY (Treasurer) -- I move:
  That this bill be now read a second time.
The Energy Safe Victoria Bill provides for the merger of the Office of the Chief
Electrical  Inspector  and  the Office  of  Gas  Safety into  a  new streamlined
regulator, operating as Energy Safe Victoria.
Establishment  of  a single  energy  safety  regulator for  Victoria  was a  key
recommendation arising from 

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government's recent review of energy safety regulators in Victoria. The merger will improve efficiency and economies of scale, without compromising the high-quality safety outcomes already being achieved by Victoria's energy regulators. Energy Safe Victoria will provide an increasingly efficient and cost-effective operating environment. Alongside reduced on-site costs, the implementation of common systems, procedures and standards will provide greater consistency for industry and will streamline operational activities undertaken by the new regulator. Increased efficiencies will also occur through increased integration with government planning, management and reporting requirements. At the same time, the proposed organisational structure of the new regulator supports the retention of specialist expertise at appropriate levels. This bill establishes the new regulator, Energy Safe Victoria, and provides for the transfer of the existing functions and powers of the Office of Chief Electrical Inspector and Office of Gas Safety to that body. Part 1 of the bill sets out the purpose of the act and provides for its commencement. Part 2 provides for the establishment of the new regulator as a statutory body corporate, with objectives and functions as provided in the Electricity Safety Act 1998, the Gas Safety Act 1997 and other relevant acts. Part 2 also provides that Energy Safe Victoria will comprise a director of energy safety, to be appointed by the Governor in Council, and provides for other appointments to the new body, delegation of powers, the establishment of committees, borrowing powers and corporate planning requirements. Part 3 of the bill provides Energy Safe Victoria with an additional power to undertake and conduct inquiries by its own initiation or by ministerial direction. This power is consistent with the powers currently held by the Essential Services Commission. The bill also provides for consequential amendments, including the abolition of the Office of Chief Electrical Inspector and the Office of Gas Safety. I commend the bill to the house. Debate adjourned on motion of Mr PERTON (Doncaster). Debate adjourned until Thursday, 2 June.