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Legislative Assembly
Djerriwarrh, Bacchus Marsh and Melton hospital

16 November 2000


                 Djerriwarrh, Bacchus Marsh and Melton hospital
To  the  Honourable the  Speaker  and  members of  the  Legislative Assembly  in
Parliament assembled:
The humble petition of we, the undersigned citizens of Melton shire in the state
of  Victoria, sheweth  that  we  seek the  immediate  injection  of  funds  into
Djerriwarrh, Bacchus Marsh and Melton hospital to  enable its operating theatres
to be upgraded thus ensuring that residents are not faced with being admitted to
distant  alternatives  such  as  Ballarat  Hospital  which  makes  accessibility
extremely difficult for families.
And your petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray.

 Mr NARDELLA (Melton) (759 signatures)

Laid on table.