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Legislative Council

10 September 2008
Second Reading


  The PRESIDENT -- Order! I remind not only the house  but the gallery that this
debate is being conducted in a dignified manner.

We are about to embark on a vote the result of which will be  known in the  next
few minutes. I expect the gallery to respond in exactly the same dignified way.
House divided on amendment:
                                    Ayes, 9
Atkinson, Mr                  O'Donohue, Mr
Barber, Mr                    Pennicuik, Ms
Coote, Mrs (Teller)           Petrovich, Mrs (Teller)
Davis, Mr P.                  Rich-Phillips, Mr
Hartland, Ms
                                    Noes, 30
Broad, Ms                     Lovell, Ms
Dalla-Riva, Mr                Madden, Mr

Darveniza, Ms                 Mikakos, Ms
Davis, Mr D.                  Pakula, Mr
Drum, Mr                      Peulich, Mrs
Eideh, Mr                     Pulford, Ms
Elasmar, Mr                   Scheffer, Mr
Finn, Mr                      Smith, Mr
Hall, Mr                      Somyurek, Mr
Jennings, Mr                  Tee, Mr
Kavanagh, Mr (Teller)         Theophanous, Mr
Koch, Mr                      Thornley, Mr (Teller)
Kronberg, Mrs                 Tierney, Ms
Leane, Mr                     Viney, Mr
Lenders, Mr                   Vogels, Mr
Amendment negatived.

  The PRESIDENT -- Order!  The question is that  the  bill be now read  a second
House divided on motion:
                                    Ayes, 13
Barber, Mr                    Koch, Mr
Broad, Ms (Teller)            Leane, Mr
Coote, Mrs                    O'Donohue, Mr
Davis, Mr P. (Teller)         Pennicuik, Ms
Hall, Mr                      Scheffer, Mr
Hartland, Ms                  Tierney, Ms
Jennings, Mr
                                    Noes, 25

Atkinson, Mr (Teller)         Pakula, Mr
Dalla-Riva, Mr                Petrovich, Mrs
Davis, Mr D.                  Peulich, Mrs
Drum, Mr                      Pulford, Ms
Eideh, Mr                     Rich-Phillips, Mr
Elasmar, Mr                   Smith, Mr
Finn, Mr                      Somyurek, Mr
Kavanagh, Mr                  Tee, Mr
Kronberg, Mrs                 Theophanous, Mr
Lenders, Mr                   Thornley, Mr
Lovell, Ms                    Viney, Mr
Madden, Mr                    Vogels, Mr
Mikakos, Ms (Teller) 
Motion negatived.