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Legislative Assembly

30 October 2003
Second Reading


We  have  just had a discussion about that today: the disclosure provisions that
were contained in the  2002 Electoral  Act were  used to  draw up the disclosure
provisions  in  the Local  Government  (Democratic Reform) Bill,  so  we place a
higher  standard  of disclosure on local government than we do on ourselves. The
hypocrisy of that  really demands some explaining.  Is there more corruption  in
local government?  I suppose  I should  not ask that question here, but is there
more  chance for people in local government to misbehave  or  be  influenced  by
donations? I am not saying we should not have disclosure provisions - I think we
should - but we  should have them as well for state elections, because  they are
equally as ordinary.
I  would  like to  thank  Geoffrey Goode  from  the Proportional  Representation
Society of Australia for sending his views on Robson rotation.

That is something that should have been included in  this because it breaks down
any potential for  tickets under proportional representation, and it also breaks
down  some of  the party  involvement. I know everyone around here says there is
limited party involvement, but I  think  most  people  who  are  close  to local
government recognise that there is.
I conclude by saying local government is the most important level of government,
which  may sound strange coming  from  a state member, but  it is closest to the
community. Local government deals directly with the community on many issues and
often on a day-to-day  basis.  Rural  areas  in  particular  do  most  of  their
negotiation  and  dealing through  local  government,  so  local  government  is
absolutely critical to rural areas. People  have to  make sure they get the best
people  on  local  government  to  put  their   views  forward  because  of  the
difficulties placed on a lot of our communities. It is a good bill.

It  presents  a  few  challenges,  and probably  a few  issues in  it need  more
addressing, but overall it should be supported by the house.