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Legislative Assembly

07 March 2019
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Lily D'Ambrosio  (ALP)


Ms D'AMBROSIO (Mill Park—Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, Minister for Solar Homes) (11:29:49): I thank the member for Brunswick for his question. Our government is always up for considering reforms in many, many different spaces—absolutely in terms of climate change, energy and environment, the areas that I am responsible for, and of course in environmental protection and environmental health we are leading the country in that. So absolutely, yes is the answer. We only have to look at the strong reforming agenda that our government has delivered over the last four years in both environmental protection and environmental health, transforming the energy sector, decarbonising our economy and rebuilding the EPA with record investment and stronger powers. There is more to come, and I thank the member again for his question.