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Legislative Assembly

07 March 2019
Members statements
Natalie Suleyman  (ALP)


Ms SULEYMAN (St Albans) (10:02:40): I rise to congratulate the Vietnamese community on the fundraising event held last Friday to raise funds for the Joan Kirner Women’s and Children’s Hospital. We saw close to $300 000 raised at this event attended by over 500 community leaders across the west. In particular I would like to thank the Quang Minh Buddhist Temple who established a committee throughout last year to raise these vital funds, including the Venerable Thich Phuoc Tan; Dr Nhan Phuc Pham, vice‑president of the Quang Minh Buddhist Temple; Cr Cuc Lam; Andy Van Khao Nguyen, St Albans Business Group Association; Peter Nguyen, Footscray Asian Business Association; and of course the many traders. In particular I want to commend the owner of Happy Receptions, Frank Cheng, for his contribution by hosting the reception.