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Legislative Assembly
Andrzej Korab

07 February 2018
Members statements


Ms SULEYMAN (St Albans) (09:54:20) — It is with a heavy heart that I rise today to speak about a great man who contributed so much, not only in the Polish community but also in the wider Victorian community — Mr Andrzej, or Andrew, Korab. Andrew Korab, who passed away in January this year, was a shining example of the success of Victoria's multicultural community. After migrating to Australia Andrew combined his Polish heritage with the Australian values he held dearly. He worked very hard to give back to the community. This was shown through his many years of presidency of the Polish Sporting, Recreation and Community Association Inc. in Albion in my electorate. Under Andrew's leadership the club became a meeting place for a number of local groups from diverse nations and religious backgrounds.

One of Andrew's greatest achievements was helping to bring the Polish and Jewish communities together. The two communities, which at times have different opinions, were able to hold discussions over sensitive issues. Although not easily resolved, through the commitment of Andrew, trust and friendship have been able to grow, laying the groundwork for further cooperation and understanding between the two communities.

I personally am very proud to call Andrew a friend and to have worked with him over many years to make the restoration and upgrade of the Polish club in Albion a reality. Although Andrew will not be able to see the result and countless other goals that he had for the club, hand in hand we will work together to continue his work and legacy. My deepest condolences to Andrew's family and friends, and members of the Polish community.