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Legislative Assembly

06 March 2019
Members statements
Natalie Suleyman  (ALP)


Ms SULEYMAN (St Albans) (10:06:19): I am delighted to congratulate Klabb Ghannejja Maltin of St Albans. They have been quite successful over the weekend in hosting a multicultural day celebration, under the leadership of George Aquilina and his committee. I would like to thank the volunteers and everybody for organising yet again a successful event. I was also delighted to meet the newly appointed Consul General for Malta, Mr Mario Farrugia Borg, and I thank him for the inspirational speech that he delivered to the Maltese community of St Albans. I am extremely proud of the diverse, dynamic community that I represent in St Albans, where, as I said, I had a number of events over the weekend that celebrated multiculturalism and diversity. Again, I would like to thank Klabb Ghannejja and the volunteers for organising a very successful event.