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Legislative Assembly

05 June 2019
Members statements
Frank McGuire  (ALP)


Mr McGUIRE (Broadmeadows) (10:03:29): I have invited the Prime Minister to Broadmeadows. This is a matter of urgency following his government’s commitment to a north-west Melbourne city deal. Such deals can be worth hundreds of millions of dollars and I want to fast track this opportunity. Broadmeadows is the designated capital of Melbourne’s north and we have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to revitalise this community and get the jobs of the future. The Minister for Population, Cities and Urban Infrastructure, the Honourable Alan Tudge, declared: A North West Melbourne City Deal would provide the platform to deliver the vision, planning and investment needed to support a fast growing population, housing and jobs, and ensure the region acts as an efficient gateway to Melbourne. … The North and West regions of Melbourne are undergoing dramatic population growth, with the area expected to grow by around 460 000 people—over 35 per cent—by 2031. The region’s residential areas are growing and the economy continues to transition from traditional manufacturing, with exciting emerging employment clusters and industries. This is even more important, with the hundreds of millions of dollars being invested in the iconic Ford sites in Broadmeadows and Geelong. Here is the opportunity to get this coordinated. A lot of work is already being done through the Broadmeadows Revitalisation Board. We stand ready to deliver.