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Legislative Assembly

04 June 2019
Constituency questions
Frank McGuire  (ALP)


Mr McGUIRE (Broadmeadows) (14:35:30): (689) My constituency question is to the Minister for Education. The information I seek is on vocational education and apprenticeship opportunities in Broadmeadows. The reason is that we have got a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity coming together, with the recent announcement of an investment of $500 million in the Ford sites at Broadmeadows and at Geelong. This will bring new industries and jobs to where they are needed most. So what I am trying to do is to work in a collaborative way to make sure that we have the right apprenticeships, the right pipeline of skills and we have local jobs for local people. I would like to make sure that that works, and also whatever other investments we can get out of the city deal that the Australian government is committed to for the north-west of Melbourne. Whatever we can deliver on that is important to my constituents.