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Legislative Assembly

30 April 2019
Constituency questions
Gary Maas  (ALP)


Mr MAAS (Narre Warren South) (16:12:12): (498) My constituency question is to the Minister for Training and Skills and concerns the Chisholm Berwick campus. Minister, how has the recent introduction of free TAFE courses to Chisholm’s Berwick campus impacted on their enrolments and the future employment opportunities for their students? I am regularly contacted by constituents who commend the Andrews government’s continued funding of free TAFE courses. I have met many students who are undertaking training at Berwick Chisholm, which they would never have done without this government’s initiative. Supporting free TAFE means that more Victorians can acquire the skills and qualifications necessary to pursue their career goals. This investment in our education system is an investment in the people of Victoria, which only a Labor government could deliver. I look forward to sharing the minister’s response with the Narre Warren South community.