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Legislative Assembly

29 August 2019
Frank McGuire  (ALP)


Mr McGUIRE (Broadmeadows) (17:21:45): (1099) My adjournment request is to the Minister for Education. The action I seek is for the minister to provide a report regarding the application process for the banning of mobile phones policy for all students at Victorian state primary and secondary schools. I know parents in my electorate are concerned about cyberbullying and have voiced their worries on a number of occasions at my electorate office. Under the government’s plan, from the start of term 1, 2020, mobile phones will be banned for all students at Victorian state primary and secondary schools. The education minister has announced $12.4 million in funding for the secure storage of mobile phones in schools. Students will be required to leave their phones switched off between the first and last bell of the school day. Phones will be stored securely in student lockers, and the Department of Education and Training will work with schools to identify alternative management approaches where necessary. Subsequently this policy aims to build stronger school cultures, reduce bullying and lead to better learning results for students—crucial to lifelong learning and success.