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Legislative Assembly

29 May 2019
Frank McGuire  (ALP)


Mr McGUIRE (Broadmeadows) (17:13:51): (680) My adjournment request is to the Minister for Public Transport. The action that I seek is for the minister, and all the critical bureaucrats and departmental people, to visit the Broadmeadows railway station with me to look at the redevelopment of the station, which has long been crucial for public safety and economic development. Critically, since I published the 2016 strategy Creating Opportunities: Postcodes of Hope, we have achieved a number of key landmarks in that. The most crucial was the recent priority of a city deal for Melbourne’s north and west—the Australian government has given a commitment to that. Also a new development zone has been created to attract new industries, businesses and jobs. We have also looked at how we change the housing mix in the area. What has consequently occurred is that the Yakka site is now being redeveloped for new housing and accommodation. At the Ford site, as I explained to the house this week, we now have a new investor to bring new industries and jobs there, which is a landmark site and incredibly important. The Victorian Planning Authority has defined the importance of Broadmeadows, and I quote from its vision statement: Greater Broadmeadows will become the powerhouse of Melbourne’s north. Catalyst investments and actions will unlock development potential for growth in local employment and for diversified housing. The time is ripe. A redevelopment of the Broadmeadows railway station will establish Broadmeadows as a primary transport interchange node in Melbourne’s north. It will also help Broadmeadows develop its connection as a metropolitan activity centre. I know the City of Hume supports this as well. This is a great opportunity for me with my role on the Broadmeadows Revitalisation Board to bring all the key players together to get this done.