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Legislative Assembly

29 May 2019
Members statements
Natalie Suleyman  (ALP)


Ms SULEYMAN (St Albans) (10:00:58): Recently the doors of the new Joan Kirner Women’s and Children’s Hospital in St Albans were officially opened. I would like to thank the Minister for Health, all the western region MPs, of course the CEO of Western Health, Russell Harrison, all the Western Health staff and fantastic volunteers and the construction workers who have built this amazing hospital that will provide the best care for women and children in the west. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the community advisory committee, who gave up their time in the last two years to contribute feedback on the hospital. I would like to thank the former health minister and now Attorney-General for all her work and her contribution towards this fantastic Labor legacy in the heart of the West. I also take this opportunity to thank the Western Health Foundation and the Vietnamese community, led by the Quang Minh temple, for their fundraising efforts. Close to $300 000 was contributed towards the project. We promised that we would build the women’s and children’s hospital and that is exactly what we have done.