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Legislative Assembly
Social Enterprise Strategy

29 March 2018


Mr McGUIRE (Broadmeadows) (17:18:38) — (14 224) My adjournment request is to the Minister for Industry and Employment. The action I seek is an update on the Andrews Labor government's efforts to ensure that Victoria remains at the forefront of social enterprise. Could the minister report on specific measures in my electorate of Broadmeadows to support this growing sector?

Social enterprises allow people to use their creativity, skills and knowledge to alleviate poverty. Muhammad Yunus invented microcredits, earning a Nobel Peace Prize by establishing a new kind of capitalism featuring altruism and generosity. I had the honour of meeting the Nobel Peace Prize winner recently in Melbourne when I discussed his strategy. He is challenging young people, businesses, political leaders and citizens to embrace this new style and to improve the opportunity for a fair go for all.

There is a real opportunity to be had in Broadmeadows with the old Ericsson site. It already has a community hub featuring 15 not-for-profit organisations, with more in the pipeline. It offers meeting rooms, competitive rents and a cafe run by a social enterprise in one of Victoria's communities struggling under industrialisation. Such initiatives are aided by the Andrews Labor government's Social Enterprise Strategy, and I look forward to an update on its implementation.

I want to point out how this can be harnessed, because social enterprises help people change their mindset as well as giving them better opportunities so they can move from a welfare or charity mindset to economic empowerment. That can be initiated through the help of mentors and microfinance funding. Put it this way: microfinancing helps people to be job creators, and hopefully over time they can become employers themselves. This is how it can form a virtuous circle and how it can actually help alleviate poverty and provide jobs and a better future.