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Legislative Assembly

28 August 2019
Members statements
Frank McGuire  (ALP)


Mr McGUIRE (Broadmeadows) (10:07:47): The smarter on crime campaign is winning support. Leaders from business and sporting organisations are backing the strategy to address the causes of crime through lifelong learning, skills and jobs, and connecting the disconnected. The Andrews Labor government is coordinating a series of initiatives to address the social determinants of life. These include lifelong learning, health and opportunity. I am also delighted that the multiversity is expanding in Broadmeadows. The Hume Multiversity is an innovation ecosystem, improving relationships between business, education and community through the provision of a range of programs and services which raise local aspiration and build opportunity. Features include access to tertiary courses, internships with industry and developing an entrepreneurial culture from education at the primary school level to higher education and the services sector. The Minister for Housing also invested $90 000 in the community connections program. This is an investment that will help change lives and save lives because it is into Banksia Gardens Community Services, which helps reduce crime and antisocial behaviour and improves resident outlooks and aspirations, their health and their wellbeing. It provides education, employment, recreation and social opportunities where they are needed most. I am also delighted that the Victorian government allocated $116.5 million for medical research. One of these is the GenV project to help children.