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Legislative Assembly

28 May 2019
Constituency questions
Suzanna Sheed  (IND)


Ms SHEED (Shepparton) (11:47:44): (653) My constituency question is for the Minister for Roads. I refer to the intensive drink and drug driving course, which is a mandatory course for those wishing to regain their licence following a disqualification for a serious drink or drug driving offence. Minister, what courses are currently available throughout regional Victoria and in my electorate for motorists seeking to regain their licence? One of my constituents, a now unemployed person, has expressed her dismay at having to travel to Melbourne on no less than four separate occasions to undertake the course required to regain her drivers licence. Inquiries by my office into the availability of intensive drink and drug driving courses across regional Victoria were met with website errors and apologetic staff, after waiting on hold for a considerable period. I would like to reassure my constituents that when making amends for serious driving breaches they are on an equal footing with their city-based counterparts.