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Legislative Assembly
Shepparton electorate

28 March 2018
Constituency questions


Ms SHEED (Shepparton) (11:57:00) — (14 192) My question is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety. Minister, can you please advise what steps are being taken to ensure passenger vehicles traveling alongside trucks at high speed on Grahamvale Road in Shepparton are able to navigate the route safely, particularly when slowing to turn off the road at several intersections? Grahamvale Road is part of the Shepparton alternate route, allowing trucks to skirt the Shepparton township and service the prime agricultural land to the east of the town. It is a narrow road, bordered on one side by railway tracks and on the other side by an irrigation channel. Constituents have raised serious safety concerns about this road, and in particular about the intersections with Ford Road and Knights Road, with me and for many years previously with my National Party predecessors as far back as Mr Don Kilgour in 1994. Given that there are proposals being considered to acquire land to move the channel for upgrades at Ford Road, perhaps this could be extended to improve safety at intersections further south.