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Legislative Assembly

27 August 2019
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Lisa Neville  (ALP)


Ms NEVILLE (Bellarine—Minister for Water, Minister for Police and Emergency Services) (12:30:35): Thank you again to the member for Shepparton for her supplementary question. As everyone knows, there is a lack of confidence in many of the regions around the plan and particularly around the ability of the Murray-Darling Basin Authority to hold states to account. We saw that on Four Corners around water theft and misuse of water. Victoria has a very high rate of compliance with our water rules, and we take serious action when people are not complying with them. I think the concerns absolutely have been around the northern basin, but there is no question there are some concerns about what happens to the water once it hits the South Australian border as well. There is not much accountability there. In supporting the inspector-general appointment, this was about making sure we did have somebody who looked at the systemic issues and was able to report back to states and to the ministerial council to show where there are any systemic issues around water misuse. I think it is critical to have someone independent. I think the person that is being appointed, Mick Keelty, will play a really valuable role and help all of us rebuild confidence in those communities.