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Legislative Assembly
St Albans Electorate

27 March 2018
Constituency questions


Ms SULEYMAN (St Albans) (12:43:23) — (14 170) My constituency question is to the Minister for Public Transport. Can the minister advise me when Metro Trains will improve the pedestrian underpass at Albion station? Albion station is one of the most popular stations in my electorate of St Albans, with over 17 000 people using it every week. It is one of the top 50 busiest stations in Victoria and a major travel hub for students attending the Victoria University Sunshine campus. We have already made major investment, removing level crossings in our local area including the deadly Main Road level crossing and the Furlong Road level crossing, both in St Albans. The Andrews Labor government understands public transport is important to our community. At the moment the pedestrian underpass is an eyesore and very unsafe. I call on the Minister for Public Transport to advise me when Metro Trains will improve the pedestrian underpass at Albion station.