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Legislative Assembly
Murray-Darling Basin plan

22 February 2018
Questions without notice and ministers statements


Ms SHEED (Shepparton) (11:25:40) — My question is to the Minister for Water. Minister, what will the Victorian government do to ensure that the Murray-Darling Basin plan is delivered as the 2750-gigalitre plan it was designed to be and that a deal is not done in Canberra to satisfy the demands of those now wrongly insisting it is a 3200-gigalitre plan?

Recent events in the Senate have again created enormous uncertainty for irrigation farmers in my electorate and indeed about the plan itself. We and the plan are now at risk not only from federal Labor and the Greens but also the federal Nationals water minister, David Littleproud, all of whom are saying that the Murray-Darling Basin plan is a 3200-gigalitre plan and should be delivered as such. Mr Littleproud's current position represents an extraordinary departure from the views of his government to date and is at odds with both your government and with the original signatory to the agreement, all of whom agreed in Victoria that the 450 gigalitres could only be delivered if it did not hurt rural communities.