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Legislative Assembly
Morwell electorate

20 June 2018
Constituency questions


Mr NORTHE (Morwell) (11:54:56) — (14 583) My constituency question is to the Minister for Resources. Minister, what is the latest information with regard to quarries in the Latrobe Valley and their plans to grow and expand? Minister, last year I requested that you meet with Matthews Quarries, Latrobe Valley Blue Metal, Latrobe Valley Sands and Maryvale Sand & Trading Supplies, which you refused to do. Support for these Latrobe Valley businesses would create not only much-needed jobs but ensure the supply of material for many Victorian industries and projects. The Construction Material Processors Association recently stated:

… there are insufficient new, or extended quarry reserves being made available for extraction.

They also stated that:

Disruption to the construction industry supply chain is inevitable, unless the issue is promptly addressed by government.

Minister, you have also said:

It's clear that Victoria is the place to do business, whether it's in resources and infrastructure, in the regions or in the city.

You also said that rising major project costs were one of the things that kept you awake at night. Minister, will you finally intervene and assist these businesses, or are your words simply hollow?