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Legislative Assembly
Broadmeadows railway station

20 June 2018


Mr McGUIRE (Broadmeadows) (19:16:47) — (14 596) My adjournment request is to the Minister for Public Transport. The Andrews Labor government invested a substantial amount for the upgrade of the Broadmeadows railway station in the recent budget. Local residents will benefit from a safer and more comfortable commute, with the Broadmeadows railway station set to share in $12 million to plan upgrades at suburban stations. The action I seek is for the minister's office to organise a briefing for me to discuss the scope and goals of the business case and the funding for the Broadmeadows railway station.

Under the previous Victorian Labor government Hume City Council was allocated funds for a central activities district revitalisation, including a government services building and the refurbishment of the Broadmeadows train station. The previous commitment was $80.3 million for the development of the central activities district, including $17.4 million for the government services building. This was important,
and as the planning minister at the time, Justin Madden, declared:

Broadmeadows —

central activities district —

is set to become Melbourne's 'capital of the north' so it is important the views of the community, businesses and other stakeholders are known and that people can have their say early in the process.

What the structure plan for Broadmeadows was aiming to achieve was increased access to community facilities and services, including health care and recreational facilities; more employment opportunities closer to home, which is really critical now; an increase in the types of housing availability, which is also important to change the demographic mix; more shops, entertainment and public art; improved regional road links; and better public transport, walking and cycling facilities. Reinvestment is crucial to unlocking the value of this emblematic site and also to dealing with population growth and community safety.

I just want to remind the house that what happened with this funding was that the next Minister for Planning actually redistributed it away from Broadmeadows and shunted it down the train line to Frankston after declaring that, as a representative in the upper house and as a Liberal, he represented the people and families of Broadmeadows. He is now the Leader of the Opposition, and I look forward to him recommitting his funding at the forthcoming state election.